< Midwest Regional Hosta Society - MRHS Home Page

Welcome to the Midwest Regional Hosta Society WebSite

2025 MRHS/AHS Convention

June 19-21, 2025 - Par-A-Dice Hotel - East Peoria

The mission of the society is to promote education, research, development, and enjoyment of America’s favorite perennial, the Hosta. But most of all, the MRHS is a society of people that have developed a camaraderie around this wonderful “friendship plant”.

Membership in the society is $20.00 for two years. Payment may be sent to the Treasurer, listed on the Society Contacts link. A membership application is available for download. Members receive two issues per year of the society's newsletter, The Hosta Leaves. This publication reports on society events, and provides information pertaining to Hostas in general. Back issues of The Hosta Leaves may be viewed at our Members Only Section. (First time members receive a voucher for $10.00, good for purchases at our participating Hosta Vendors.)

In addition there are two meetings held annually. The traditional Winter Conference, now named the HOSTA SYMPOSIUM, is held in the Milwaukee Wisconsin area in February.

In the summer, an annual convention, hosted by a local society, is held in different locations throughout the region. This three-day extravaganza features garden tours, a show of Hosta leaves, vendors selling the newest in Hosta plants, an auction of plants, a banquet, and an informational speaker. Foremost, however, is the fellowship of seeing old Hosta friends as well as making new ones.

The MRHS is considered Region 5 of the American Hosta Society and encompasses the nine Midwestern states of Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Within the Midwest Region are 18 local societies. Contacting a member of a local society to learn more about their activities can be found by following the “Society Contacts” link.