Bickelhaupt Arboretum Hosta Glade
AHS Display Garden
Address: 340 South 14th Street; Clinton, IA 52732
Phone: (563) 242-4771
Bickelhaupt Website
Established: 1970 Number of Varieties: 200 Looks Best: May to October
Year Designated AHS Display Garden: 2004
The Bickelhaupt Arboretum is a 14 acre outdoor museum of select labeled trees, shrubs, groundcovers, perennials and annuals. It is
home of the heartland Collection of Dwarf and Rare Conifers, which is one of the top public garden conifer collections with over 600
cultivars. The Hosta Glade displays more than 200 cultivars of hosta and other shade loving plants that are all well labeled and
Dubuque Arboretum
AHS Display Garden
Address: 3800 Arboretum Drive; Dubuque, IA 52001
Phone: (563) 556-2100
Dubuque Website
Established: 1981 Number of Varieties: 900 Looks Best: May to September
Year Designated AHS Display Garden: 2004
15 acres of botanical gardens with 13,000 hostas. Walk area through Hosta Glade. Award winning rose garden and rare conifer display.
Rides available for the handicapped - call ahead.
Vander Veer Botanical Park Hosta Glade
AHS Display Garden
Address: 215 W. Central Park Avenue; Davenport, IA 52803
Phone: (563) 326-7818
Vander Veer Website
Established: 1996 Number of Varieties: 350 Looks Best: May to September
Year Designated AHS Display Garden: 2003
The Hosta Glade is in Vander Veer Botanical Park, which is a historic public park in the center of Davenport. The Hosta Glade now has
8 large hosta beds interspersed with companion plants. Included in this Glade is a hosta collection from hybridizer Eunice Fisher and a
garden of Bob Solberg’s introductions. Also included is a memorial garden for DeEtta Montgomery which has hostas and conifers from
her garden. The Mississippi Valley Hosta Society helps maintain this Glade. This city park also has a rose garden, conservatory, a
restored fountain, an alee with 20 perennial beds and is a test garden for All-American annual selections.